Important information

Pure Tax Accounting publishes a unique quarterly newsletter containing information on changes to tax law, ATO areas of interest and ideas to help you manage and protect your assets. Our newsletter subscription is free and your information is only used to send the newsletters, not sold to marketers or used to contact you in any other way.
If you would like to join our subscribers, you can do that here.


The ATO conducts both targeted and random audits of taxpayers. Often when someone is audited they need the help of their tax professional to assist in answering the questions asked by the auditors. This can be a costly exercise, depending on the amount of detail wanted by the auditors. Audit Cover provides insurance to cover professional fees associated with audits of:
  • All income tax matters
  • GST and BAS compliance
  • Employment taxes (super guarantee, payroll tax, FBT)
  • State taxes (land tax and stamp duty)

If you would like a quote from Audit Cover please connect with them here:–yCxNMcf7w

Mandatory Disclosures

Pure Tax Accounting holds a Public Practice Certificate issued by the Institute of Public Accountants and is regulated by
the Tax Agent Services Act (2009). This requires us to make the following disclosures:
  1. There is no matter known to me (occurring since 1 July 2022) that could significantly influence your decision to engage me for a tax agent service.
  2. The Tax Practitioners Board maintains a register of Tax and BAS Agents.
    You can access and search this register here:
  3. If you have a complaint about my tax services, you should contact me in the first instance, preferably by email. I will acknowledge your complaint by return email and will attempt to resolve your complaint within 14 days.  If you are unhappy with the outcome that I propose to you, you can then make a complaint to the Tax Practitioners Board.
    There is information on the process of complaining to the TPB and a link to lodge the complaint here:
  4. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
    More information on what this means is here: